Content Arena Manager

Built for your success

Timely information on what media rights are available, and which rights are already sold, is key for your business. Our bespoke Availability Engine takes into account different variables, such as exclusivity and rights type, to determine the status of your rights for each market, and presents accurate and consistent information in easy-to-use dashboards. Identify new opportunities and quickly answer any queries!

Time-intense offline sales process, with manual transfer of information into separate systems – one of the key pain-points for sports rights-holders.  To solve this, we developed software-based sales process management, which supports you at every stage of the process – from potential to signature.

We know that manual contract creation and review is time-intense and expensive. With this in mind, we created our Contract Generator – a bespoke feature allowing you to automate contract and term-sheet creation, with full flexibility to customise terms and conditions to meet in-house or client requirements. More deals, quicker.

It’s never been easier to create 24/7 visibility for your rights and showcase them to buyers in any market around the world! Promote across digital channels, receive offers, negotiate, and close deals directly on the platform – all in one place. New and innovative, yet simple.

A unique combination of tech know-how and sports media experience positions us in a perfect place to solve almost any business process challenge faced by sports rights-holders. That’s why we relish the opportunities to use our expertise to build tailored solutions for your needs.

Timely information on what media rights are available, and which rights are already sold, is key for your business. Our bespoke Availability Engine takes into account different variables, such as exclusivity and rights type, to determine the status of your rights for each market, and presents accurate and consistent information in easy-to-use dashboards. Identify new opportunities and quickly answer any queries!

Time-intense offline sales process, with manual transfer of information into separate systems – one of the key pain-points for sports rights-holders.  To solve this, we developed software-based sales process management, which supports you at every stage of the process – from potential to signature.

We know that manual contract creation and review is time-intense and expensive. With this in mind, we created our Contract Generator – a bespoke feature allowing you to automate contract and term-sheet creation, with full flexibility to customise terms and conditions to meet in-house or client requirements. More deals, quicker.

It’s never been easier to create 24/7 visibility for your rights and showcase them to buyers in any market around the world! Promote across digital channels, receive offers, negotiate, and close deals directly on the platform – all in one place. New and innovative, yet simple.

A unique combination of tech know-how and sports media experience positions us in a perfect place to solve almost any business process challenge faced by sports rights-holders. That’s why we relish the opportunities to use our expertise to build tailored solutions for your needs.

Connect with us today

Lukas Zajancauskas

Director of Strategy and
Business Development

Organisations already transforming working with Content Arena

Independent. Responsible. Reliable. We are safeguarding your business

Doing business with confidence

Data Encryption

Secure setup

Secure Software

Ensuring the security and confidentially of your data is of highest priority to us. We maintain state-of-the art technical and organizational measures, such as encrypting data with 256 bit SSL encryption in transit and at rest, in order to ensure data security. These measures are regularly reviewed to make sure we are at the forefront of both security and privacy.

Doing business with confidence

Data Encryption

Secure setup

Secure Software

Ensuring the security and confidentially of your data is of highest priority to us. We mantain state-of-the art technical and organizational measures, such as encrypting data with 256 bit SSL encryption in transit and at rest, in order to ensure data security. These measures are regularly reviewed to make sure we are at the forefront of both security and privacy.

With Content Arena Manager, you can:


the right information to answer any internal queries


new external opportunities


with new content buyers

Create & share

digital, custom term sheets


contract creation, and manage any changes

Analyze & plan

with commercial reports & easy data export

Tailored solutions for all organisations

Marketplace Access Only
Publish rights on the Marketplace
Digital Marketing
Sales Commission
Data encrypted with 256 bit SSL in transit and at rest
Sales Management
Most Popular
Software as a Service
Publish rights on the Marketplace
Digital Marketing
Sales Commission
Data encrypted with 256 bit SSL in transit and at rest
Sales Management
Customized Features
Dedicated private server & logical data separation
Most Complete
Enterprise Solution
Publish rights on the Marketplace
Digital Marketing
Sales Commission
Data encrypted with 256 bit SSL in transit and at rest
Sales Management
Customized Features
Dedicated private server & logical data separation

Access Only
Most Popular

Software as
a Service
Most Complete

Publish rights on the Marketplace
Digital Marketing
Sales Commission
Data encrypted with 256 bit SSL in transit and at rest
Rights Manager
Sales Management
Customized Features
Dedicated private server & logical data separation

Schedule a demo

Connect with us today

Lukas Zajancauskas

Director of Strategy and
Business Development

The latest insights from Content Arena